Saturday, November 17, 2012

Blog Assignment 12

My Assignment

When thinking about what assignment I thought should be added to the EDM310 blog assignments, I thought about how much my perspective has changed throughout the semester. When I first started taking this EDM310 I had my doubts that this class would be beneficial to me at all, however, now I’m thankful for each thing I’ve learned from this class. Therefore, I think it would be interesting not only for the students of EDM310 but for research purposes to include an assignment called “Before and After.”

This assignment will be a two-fold assignment. In the first part of this assignment students will be asked to write a 1-2 paragraphs stating what they desire out of their future classroom. Students will be asked to give examples of how they would meet their desires for their future classroom. This part of the assignment will be given to the students in the first week or two of EDM310.

The second part of this assignment will take place within the last couple of weeks of class. This part of the assignment will ask students to reflect on what they desired for their future classroom in the first week of class. Students will be asked to write 1-2 paragraphs detailing how their desires have changed after learning all they have from EDM310. Students will be asked what if any tools will they now use in their future classrooms that they wouldn’t have used before.

My Before and After


Before taking EDM 310 my desire for my classroom was to be an encouraging, helpful, and passionate teacher. It was my goal to never allow my students to feel as if I had forgotten about them. I wanted to be the kind of teacher students remembered for being helpful, honest, and kind. I never wanted to be the type of teacher who put my students down or told them they couldn’t accomplish something.

As far as how I would accomplish these things I would have thought loving my job, loving to work with children, and being patient would have been enough to get the job done. I wanted to show up each day with a smile of my face and ready to teach my students until they really understood whatever concept needed to be taught for the day. Aside from these things I hadn’t really given my teaching strategies much more thought.


After taking EDM310 I have learned teaching is so much more than being helpful, encouraging, passionate, and caring. My desires haven’t completely changed but it has changed my outlook on how to achieve these goals. I had never given much thought to how I would use technology in my classroom and now I can’t imagine a classroom without technology.

I have realized that I want to learn as much as I can to ensure I am able to give my students the best chance at success. Education shouldn’t be stuck in the past and should always be changing because the tools our students need to be equipped with are forever changing. I’ve realized it is my job as a teacher to teach my students to always be learners and I must do that by example. It is also my job to teach them how to teach themselves, to show them how to find the information they need, and to show them how to be self-sufficient. After taking EDM310 I’m even more excited to get started molding the youth of America for the better.


  1. Hey Windy!

    I want you to know that I LOVE this idea! This is so simple, and yet, so creative. I'm actually kind of envious that I didn't think of it first :). This is a great idea.

    I know my perspective as a prospective teacher has changed so much within these last few months, and most of the change is due to this class.

    I think before this class I was stuck in some mythical perfect teacher world and now I have realized that there is a lot more to teaching than meets the eye. We have to be on a down-to-earth level with our students; and that requires us to be technologically literate for their sake and ours. I am so excited about bringing all of this to my classroom.

    You thought of a wonderful blog assignment! I think Dr. Strange would be proud :) Keep up the great work!


  2. very interesting. I think I'll try it next semester. We all MUST be MODEL LEARNERS!

